
Manage the npm configuration files

Table of contents


npm config set <key> <value> [-g|--global]
npm config get <key>
npm config delete <key>
npm config list [-l] [--json]
npm config edit
npm get <key>
npm set <key> <value> [-g|--global]

aliases: c


npm gets its config settings from the command line, environment variables, npmrc files, and in some cases, the package.json file.

See npmrc for more information about the npmrc files.

See config for a more thorough discussion of the mechanisms involved.

The npm config command can be used to update and edit the contents of the user and global npmrc files.


Config supports the following sub-commands:


npm config set key value

Sets the config key to the value.

If value is omitted, then it sets it to “true”.


npm config get key

Echo the config value to stdout.


npm config list

Show all the config settings. Use -l to also show defaults. Use --json to show the settings in json format.


npm config delete key

Deletes the key from all configuration files.


npm config edit

Opens the config file in an editor. Use the --global flag to edit the global config.

See Also